Valuation and Succession Planning

Valuation and Succession Planning

Bristal Lane provides financial services practice owners with valuation and succession planning services to help you know your worth while making key strategic decisions.

At Bristal Lane we focus on providing the necessary expertise and insight to help you confidently decide your next steps. Our services include:

  • Valuation services to review financial statements, make projections, and determine your fair market value.
  • Succession Planning services that keep in mind your practice, your employees, and your legacy.
  • Strategic Consulting to help improve key metrics and performance indicators.

Leverage our expertise to know your business Grow Your Business and Increase Firm Value



  • Examine the ins and outs of your business
  • Make projections using a multitude of scenarios
  • Determine the fair market value of your enterprise
  • Detailed outline of performance indicators and metrics that are driving your valuation



  • Develop a customized roadmap for your succession
  • Strategic exit blueprints that ensure seamless continuity
  • Methodology that focuses on business continuity



  • Leverage our combined 75 years of financial services industry experience
  • Take a holistic approach to your business goals
  • Improve functions of your organization
  • Comprehensive analysis of your organization’s core strengths, opportunities, pitfalls and weaknesses


Ready to get started?

Schedule a meeting?  Contact Us to discuss your goals.